Wednesday, July 30, 2008


“We are constantly invited to be who we are." --Henry David Thoreau

With a total eclipse of the Leo Sun on the 1st, and a partial lunar eclipse involving the Leo/ Aquarius axis on the 16th, this is a significant month astrologically. To use this energy well, we need to understand something about the fire of Leo and something about the event of an eclipse.

A solar eclipse happens about twice a year and is a special case of a new moon. During a new moon, the Sun and Moon are conjunct; i.e., close together (and therefore almost always in the same sign). In general, new moons are times of change. They reflect a time that is ripe for planting new seeds, setting new patterns, and bringing something new into one’s life. Of course, we need to let go of the old in order to do so, and so new moons also challenge us to let go—though it helps if we can do this before they arrive. As for eclipses, in general, they are big events. They have impact. They can shake things up. And, as harbingers of such a shake-up, they are sometimes thought to be ominous. During the eclipse that takes place on August 1st, the Moon will completely eclipse the Sun for a few moments, such that the Sun—that central planetary body—will seem to disappear. Think for a minute about the disappearance of the Sun and you will have some feel for the power of a solar eclipse. We might expect the start of this month to be a time of great change, impactful new beginnings, and the kind of shake-ups that make their way into our biographies.

Add to this the energy of Leo, which is the sign of this particular solar eclipse. Leo is a fire sign: Hot, passionate, and with the potential to be explosive. Leo is also the sign that is ruled by the Sun. (Planetary bodies are assigned rulership of the sign that most captures their energy. The Sun captures and reflects the energy of the Leo, and vice versa; and so we say that the Sun rules Leo.) Using the Sun as a symbol, we can understand how Leo is meant to shine forth from its center, to take center stage. Leos are born leaders who seem to find themselves in the spotlight whether they ask for this or not. The sun-sign Leos I know well are extremely creative, warm-hearted, generous individuals who have had to define their place on the stage of life, much like the Sun which each and every morning continues to rise. This journey toward self-definition is not always easy. We can say that Leo energy is expressed in the statement “I am,” and that all of us have it somewhere in our charts (i.e., lives). If we can relate to this openly and honestly, it will show up as generosity, creativity, or what I refer to as “humble pride.” If we are cut off from this energy or misuse it in some way, we will see egoism, self-destruction, pompousness, or false pride. In my estimation the energy of Leo, as well as the energy of the Sun, is about living authentically.

This affinity between the Sun and Leo makes the August eclipses even more potent. We can expect some life-changing energy that will either force us to ask the question, Who am I?, or allow us to answer the same, depending upon how prepared we are. In any event August will see many of us defining an authentic path for ourselves, learning how to shine forth from our centers, and discovering where we best fit on this stage called life. “We are constantly invited to be who we are.” This month, we are likely to feel this invitation potently. Happy August!

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