Thursday, October 23, 2008


A new moon takes place on October 28th. Approximately once per month the universe wraps us up in moonlight that carries potential, opportunity, and fertility as the Sun and Moon share space within the same degree of a shared sign of the zodiac. On October 28th, both the Sun and Moon will be at approximately 6 degrees Scorpio, filling the sky with a sexual, mysterious, psychically penetrating, intense, passionate, dark, & deeply contemplative energy. It is my favorite day of the year.

In astrology, the Sun represents the core personality, the light that shines forth from us when unencumbered by our hang-ups, the ball of fire that lights up the sky. The Sun’s energy radiates outward, penetrating that which surrounds it; and in this way it is a more masculine form of energy. The Moon, in contrast, speaks to a more murky and feminine part of ourselves: Our instinctual responses and needs; the ways in which we seek comfort, experience raw feeling, and feel cared for; our inner tides and ties—to our roots and rootedness, including the body. It is a receptive energy, focused inward.

During a new moon, the fire and light of the sun meet the tides of our instinctual life. The masculine meets the feminine. And if we can bring awareness to these complementary energies, then something will grow from the murky and fertile ground. The image of a lotus basking in the sun carries this well. On and around October 28th, we have the opportunity to birth something into being that is both rooted in our instinctual nature and can shine forth into the world. The atmosphere is fertile with this mingling of masculine and feminine, penetration and receptivity, shining forth and looking in. It is a call to generate something from the most intimate awareness of our bodies, allowing it to radiate toward the sky.

In the world of astrology, new moons are believed to be a good time to set intentions for that which you wish to grow in your life. If you can hold this in mind and take action that honors these intentions, the full moon two weeks later will begin to offer the fruits of your integrity and desire.

The sign of Scorpio brings a particularly sexy and sensual energy to this October new moon, and with it, to our intentions and creations. To me, Scorpio is the personification of the conjunction of the sun and moon with its gorgeous merging of masculine and feminine energies. The sign itself seems to have an affinity for the lunar cycle, and for new moons in particular. Those individuals with a strong Scorpio vibe tend to carry themselves with a subtle, yet very strong, quality of confident-shining-forth. This masculine shining-forth is as compelling as it is precisely because it radiates (Sun) from the depths of the instinctual body (Moon), which is exquisitely feminine. It is this marriage of penetrating strength and compassionate receptivity that lends Scorpio its je ne sais qua—that mysterious and nebulous sexuality and sensuality the sign is known for.

In addition to the profound marriage of masculine and feminine, Scorpio has a natural fondness for the cycles of the moon given its affinity for regeneration and transformation. Any discussion of Scorpio is incomplete without at least a mention of its potentially transformative nature. At its best, this is the energy of the courage to let go so that something new can be born. It is the energy of great power and brave surrender merging to create a life well-lived. The energy of a tantric way of life. And of knowing when it’s time to destroy and build anew. With a Scorpio new moon, it is likely that something will, in fact, need to die for the new to be born. This is also the energy of deeply fulfilling and potentially transformative sex, with the letting go or dying required (remember that the French word for orgasm translates as "little death").

Don’t let the day and night of the new moon pass by without opening yourself up to the opportunity for an inner merging, deep dreams, regeneration, or a profound sexual encounter. And if you choose the latter and don’t wish to get pregnant, use birth control. Remember that the air itself will be wet, passionate, penetrating, and fertile. Enjoy it.

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